Each year, thousands of people will be injured due to rear end accidents. One of the most common injuries that victims suffer from is whiplash, in addition to other injuries. If this happens to you, it is best to seek legal representation from an experienced Rhode Island auto accident attorney that will put your needs first. The insurance adjusters are often minimizing the seriousness of soft tissue but the best Rhode Island personal injury lawyers are keenly aware of the real impact of whiplash on innocent victims.
Rhode Island Rear End Accident Lawyer
The most common form of automobile accidents is rear end accidents. Rear end collisions in RI could be accredited to a variety of factors, such as in-car cell phone use, and t the seriousness he various distracting features that are installed into new models of vehicles each year. Even though a large percentage of automobile accidents that occur every year are due to rear end collisions, a majority of the injuries sustained are less severe, in comparison to other types of accidents, such as head-on collisions. However, rear end accidents in Rhode Island could potentially lead to serious injuries, or death, due to the impact of the collision.
Insight to Whiplash
Whiplash is generally a neck and back injury that could be developed after a rear end accident. Whiplash is typically caused by the sudden movement of the body – in a forward motion. At this time, a person’s head will remain static for a moment of time, as the collision takes place. The acceleration is what causes the vehicle to push forward, and leads to whiplash. Surprise injury could lead to damaged ligaments in a person’s back and neck. Expected injuries cause the muscles to tense, which is why they are more likely to be damaged first during the impact of the collision.
Types of Injuries in RI motor vehicle crash
A rear end accident in Rhode Island could potentially lead to a variety of injuries, some more severe than others. These types of injuries include:
• Herniated discs
• Brain injury
• Vertebrae fractures
• Jaw injury
• Back sprains
• Hip fractures
• ACL or muscle tears
• Ankle sprains and fractures
Get the Legal Help Necessary
Rear end accidents occur each day, and these collisions could lead to major injuries. If you are involved in a rear end accident in Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, you should consult with an experienced RI auto accident attorney immediately. He will use his legal experience and knowledge to help you deal with the challenges that you may face when fighting insurance companies for your rightful damages and compensation, such as:
• Medical expenses
• Wage loss
• Pain and suffering
• Mental and emotional stress

Rhode Island rear end accident lawyer
Rear end accidents do not just cause extensive property damage to the vehicles colliding each other, but also often involve catastrophic injuries and death. Rear impact car and truck collisions in Rhode Island are often the result of motor vehicles following too close behind and not providing adequate distance to stop safely under normal or unusual conditions.
Rear end impact vehicle collision
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicates that more than 2.5 million collisions involving a rear end impact occur every year. As a result, hundreds of thousands of motorists and passengers are injured or killed from their injuries obtained in the accident. In all likelihood, the number of rear impact accidents in Rhode island and Providence Plantations are likely to rise because of the increased incidences of distracted driving when motorists send text messages, texting while driving, speak on cell phones or read emails while driving.
Serious Injuries caused by tailgating (driving too close)
Rear end impact collisions in RI are a leading reason for serious automobile accidents were a vehicle collides into the back of the car ahead. In many incidences, drivers and passengers in the lead car suffer serious injury to their neck, head, and spine. In fact, rear end collisions in Rhode Island cause the majority of whiplash injuries when there is a sudden jolt.
In nearly every situation in Rhode Island, the driver behind the lead car is entirely at fault for the RI crash / accident / collision. However, there are situations where the lead vehicle might be traveling at a speed too slow for the roadway or the lead driver is intoxicated at the time of the accident. In some very limited situations, the motorist in the lead car could be partially at fault for negligent driving because of an inexplicable sudden stop that provided no warning to others on approach.
“The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has given high priority to research regarding collisions between large trucks (gross vehicle weight > 4,540 kilograms (10,000 pounds)) and other vehicles on the roadway. This research aims to improve knowledge about the high-risk behaviors of truck and passenger vehicle (car) drivers. In 1998, large trucks accounted for 7 percent of the total vehicle miles traveled but were involved in 13 percent of all traffic fatalities (5,374 of 41,471). In these truck crashes, the car’s occupants were much more likely than the truck driver to be killed (78 percent of the fatalities were car occupants) or injured (76 percent of the injuries were sustained by car occupants). Two-thirds of all police-reported truck crashes involved a truck and another vehicle, and 60 percent of all truck crashes involving a fatality were two-vehicle car-truck crashes. ” Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-04-085 Date: July 2004 This research was conducted under the HSIS project by F.M. Council and D.L. Harkey of the University of North Carolina (UNC) Highway Safety Research Center, D.T. Nabors of BMI, A.J. Khattak of the UNC Department of City and Regional Planning, and Y.M. Mohamedshah of LENDIS. The full report, Examination of ‘Fault,’ ‘Unsafe Driving Acts,’ and ‘Total Harm’ in Car-Truck Collisions, can be found in Transportation Research Record 1830 (TRB, 2003). For more information about HSIS, contact Carol Tan, HSIS Program Manager, HRDS, 202–493–3315,
Determining Liability for rear end tailgating accident
Many victims suffering serious injuries and property damage in Rhode Island will file a claim for compensation against all parties responsible for the rear end collision. However, tort law involving vehicle accidents is complex and often requires the skills of a seasoned Provicence personal injury attorney. This is because it is the responsibility of the victim to determine liability to hold those legally accountable for their negligence. A skilled Providence personal injury lawyer can build a solid claim for compensation by showing liability because of various factors including:
• The party at fault violated posted traffic rules
• Eyewitnesses are available to describe how the accident occurred
• Third parties might be involved including additional motorists, bicyclists or jaywalking pedestrians
• Drugs or alcohol were involved
• Adverse weather conditions were occurring at the time, making driving difficult
• Physical evidence exists to prove liability including bumper damage, paint from other vehicles or skid marks
With Rhode Island legal representation, the victim can easily deal with insurance companies and prepare a claim for compensation. In most situations, settlements obtained by RI auto accident attorneys are negotiated at a higher amount than when the victim handles their case on their own.
Legal Consequences for tailgating wreck
When it has been determined what party is at fault whether it is caused by a panic stop or tailgating, all responsible parties are duty bound to pay compensation. As a result, automobile accident victims will often file a claim or lawsuit for damages. The amount of compensation the victim receives is usually based on the severity of their injuries and the extent of property damage. However, rear end collisions caused by tailgating in Rhode Island typically cause significant injury.
A skilled RI auto collision attorney can ensure that the victim’s rights are protected while building a strong case for compensation. The East providence law firm will seek compensation to cover economic (tangible) and non-economic (intangible) damages. Most Providence, Riverside and Rumford, RI personal injury cases are accepted on contingency as a way to provide legal representation without the need of paying any upfront fees. In the event that the RI motor vehicle accident lawyer is unable to obtain compensation, the victim owes nothing for legal services provided in the case. Many insurance companies try to take advantage of victims, and deny their benefits. A Providence auto accident attorney will help you fight for your rights!